Monday, November 23, 2015

Fizik Microtex Bar Tape: An Honest-To-Goodness, Long-Term "Wrap-Up."

November 2015.  Tape still going strong!

Letters, we actually get letters.  Well, emails, actually, but none-the-less, we do receive inquiries here at the plush Cycling Dynamics offices.  And, the latest inquiry was from reader "Happy Camper."  H.C. asked the following, very good, question: "Three years later, how is that tape?  Did it last?"

First, Mr. Camper, thank you for the inquiry.  It is indeed always nice to hear from the readership.  And, to answer your question, the tape is doing just fine, with no signs of wear, tear or fading.  Pretty cool, huh?  Try that with any other bar tape!  Three years, three sets of test bars, three applications of the same tape, and it looks as good as it did when first applied in September 2012.  That's some seriously good tape, people!  I even bought a spare box, foolishly thinking I would have to replace it when I swapped out the bars.  Nope.  The spare box is still sitting on the shelf in the garage.

With a retail price of $21.50 USD (per Fizik), this stuff is a bargin, as far as tape goes.  Yes, it can be a bit troublesome to apply, but once on, it stays put, is non-slip, cleans up easily, and looks great for years.  What's not to like about that? 

Good job, Fizik.  The tape may actually try to outlast my bike (maybe, even me!).

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