Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas To All From Cycling Dynamics.

Image courtesy of

Yes, we find being Politically Correct extremely boring.

God Bless, to all!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Conforming – Is Resistance Futile? No Way!

According to the proverbial “Powers-That-Be,” cycling should be done either at the crack of dawn or when direct sunlight is available.  You must also have the “Correct” riding apparel, and bicycle, lest thou offend the God of The Cycling Snobs.  Well, I say NUTS to that!

Imagine how much better (and fun) life would be if we did not do everything we were told to?  I know a lot of people that indeed do everything they are told, or are expected, to do.  And, guess what?  They are boring.  Thus, while I may not be the “World’s Most Interesting Man” like in those beer commercials, I do refrain from comfort zones because they make humans two-dimensional and uninteresting.

Case in point: I rode to lunch with a friend, and while that may not seem Earth shattering, the ride was done on a couple of old, steel beaters, wearing blue-jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers, with nary a sight of carbon fiber, spandex, or expensive Italian shoes.   It was a care-free ride, sans all of the accoutrements normally associated with “Proper” cycling.  It was really quite liberating and refreshing.

From time to time, it is perfectly OK to forget the norms, and shedding any, and all, comfort zones builds character.  Plus, it certainly makes life, and us humans, a whole lot more interesting.

Just get out and pedal.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Fizik Microtex Bar Tape: An Honest-To-Goodness, Long-Term "Wrap-Up."

November 2015.  Tape still going strong!

Letters, we actually get letters.  Well, emails, actually, but none-the-less, we do receive inquiries here at the plush Cycling Dynamics offices.  And, the latest inquiry was from reader "Happy Camper."  H.C. asked the following, very good, question: "Three years later, how is that tape?  Did it last?"

First, Mr. Camper, thank you for the inquiry.  It is indeed always nice to hear from the readership.  And, to answer your question, the tape is doing just fine, with no signs of wear, tear or fading.  Pretty cool, huh?  Try that with any other bar tape!  Three years, three sets of test bars, three applications of the same tape, and it looks as good as it did when first applied in September 2012.  That's some seriously good tape, people!  I even bought a spare box, foolishly thinking I would have to replace it when I swapped out the bars.  Nope.  The spare box is still sitting on the shelf in the garage.

With a retail price of $21.50 USD (per Fizik), this stuff is a bargin, as far as tape goes.  Yes, it can be a bit troublesome to apply, but once on, it stays put, is non-slip, cleans up easily, and looks great for years.  What's not to like about that? 

Good job, Fizik.  The tape may actually try to outlast my bike (maybe, even me!).

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Happy Birthday To Me - Time To Retire, With The Schwalbe Durano HS464.

With Schwalbe committing the unfortunate sin of killing off the incredible Durano HS399, it was time to try out that models direct replacement, the HS464.  Bear in mind, I am not too happy with this.  Product-wise, all-things-new are usually an improvement, however, the progression of products does not always produce a winner.  Therefore, when something which works magnificently, like the HS399, is replaced, a dose of healthy skepticism is natural.  Think “New” Coke or Microsoft Windows (I drink Dr. Pepper, and Windows 2000 Server was still my all-time favorite). 

I have become a sworn disciple of 25C tires, as not only are the running pressures lower, air-wise, and the ride much more comfortable than 23c’s, the true crowning glory of 25’s are massively increased puncture protection due in part to the aforementioned lower tire pressures.  The fact Durano’s possess a built in feature known as “RaceGuard” (a belt under the dual-compound tread made for increased puncture protection), is just the icing on the proverbial cake (I wonder if 28’s are better still???).

To date, I have a bit over 3000-miles, on two sets of HS399’s, on two sets of wheels.  The only reason I am changing out the tires is due to some minor tread cracking, but the tires are truly far from being worn-out.  In my opinion, if I had ridden them more, thus keeping the tires up to proper pressure, versus sitting around as often as they did, the HS399’s would definitely have gone a whole lot farther.  These are some serious-good tires, folks.

I’ll put some miles on the newer Durano’s and report back with my initial, and long-term, findings.  If my hunch is correct, the HS464’s will be damn good rubber.  The new kid on the Schwalbe block has some seriously BIG shoes to fill. 
Makes a heck of a "Happy Birthday" gift to myself, too.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A Sad Find On Pacific Coast Highway. R.I.P. Nadia Silva.

Whilst on a ride from Seal Beach to Newport Beach, I came across this sad sight on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH).

Even if you never knew the cyclist personally, you sure do feel like you do when looking at a Ghost Bike.

Location: Corner of PCH and Seapoint, Huntington Beach, CA.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Santa Ana River Trail Fail. Bureaucracy Is As Bureaucracy Does.

Due to recent, heavy winds, a tree branch had fallen causing a safety hazard.  "Never fear, your friendly-neighborhood, Government worker is here!"  So, to rectify the situation, the hazard was rightfully, and wisely, coned off.

Seen on the Santa Ana River Trail, adjacent the River View Golf Course, this beautiful display of the Bureaucrat mentality was on full display for all.  Our guess is the person who coned off the area was not authorized to also remove the offending tree branch.  That job must belong to another, costly Government Bureaucrat, it seems.

Two things never change.  One is human irrationality.  The other is the concept of doing the right thing for the wrong reason.   

The Bureaucrat mentality lives on.  

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

News From EuroBike: SRAM Red Goes Wireless With The New eTap Group.

While not really a Top-Secret project over at SRAM, the new, wireless Red eTap Group has now officially broken cover at EuroBike in Friedrichshafen, Germany.  The big-deal, all-things-bike industry show, which runs from August 26-29, never really disappoints, and this year's really big news was the officially unveiling of SRAM's long in development wireless gruppo.  Yes, gone are the wiring looms and cables, and say "Hello" to batteries.

The quick details are a group pretty darn close to mechanical Red in weight, a one lever shift up, one lever shift down, both levers big-small ring shift, and the ability to run a 28-tooth cassette maximum at present time.  Braking is still via cable-pull rim units, and rumors are swirling of a trickle-down to future wireless Force and Rival groups, as well.

See below for more, in-depth, information.

The Photos (courtesy of VeloNews):

The Video (courtesy of GCN):


Thursday, August 13, 2015

From The "Wish I'd Thought Of That," Department - Sigma Automatic Brakelight For $10 USD.

All photos courtesy of Sigma

Now, here is an idea so simple, it is a wonder no one thought of it, sooner.  An ingenious, mechanically operated, light which automatically illuminates when the rear brake is applied.  It mounts in seconds, runs off a tiny, replaceable CR 1025 button-cell battery, and is cheap at $10 USD.  What's not to like?

The unit itself mounts to the rear brake cable, via a hex clamp, up against the adjustment bolt, and when the brake is applied, it squeezes the unit, triggering the light.  Release the brake, and the light switches off.

While it is being marketed as an aid to motorists, I see the larger service being to other cyclists, and hopefully, it will help to eliminate the rear-ender in pacelines. 

Safety never looked so simple and cost-effective.

Clicky here for the Sigma web site.

Here is the installation video, courtesy of Sigma.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Long Term Wrap Up: Lezyne KTV PRO LED Riding Light

Image courtesy of Lezyne

Lights on bicycles have, especially during daylight hours, thankfully, become a lot more common these days.  However, they are not all created equal.  There are basically two kinds of lighting setups for cyclists: See, and Be Seen.  The “See” kinds are the ones that you can actually see where you are going in the dark.  The “Be Seen” types are the one’s just bright enough to alert your presence to others and are meant purely for daylight use.  The new Lezyne KTV Pro is marketed as a “Safety Light,” which means it is a bona fide “Be Seen” lumen producer.  And, it is not a bad one, at that.   
The KTV PRO has six, different light functions in its tough aluminum body (see “Specs” listed below), and I run it on what I call “787” mode (a flash-rate similar to the anti-collision beacons on Boeing’s wonder-plane), which gives good, distinct, half-second flash bursts.  This particular mode is not only very conspicuous, but it is far easier on battery life, which works out in real-world practice to be about six-seven hours, putting out 30-lumens, before being completely drained.  The battery status light (Lezyne calls it an Intelligent Power Indicator) also tells you how much charge you have left while in use (a handy feature), showing green for “Full,” Amber for “Getting Down There,” and finally Red for “This Suckers Going To Die Soon.”  For the record, “Full-Blast” mode is good for 70-lumens.

The KTV’s Twin-LED’s put out a darn a good light pattern, even off to the side via the “Wide-Screen” lens design (offering 180-degree beam dispersal). The mount is a plastic, swivel affair, fastened via a rubber strap, making fitting to a multitude of bar sizes possible.  The mount/light unit swivels to make putting on and taking off the unit much easier, as you have to remove the unit to plug it into your PC’s USB port to recharge (after removing the back of the light, which is a stout, weather-resistant, rubber end-cap).  Once fully charged, the on-board status light goes from red to green when ready.  It is plenty bright enough to alert people to your presence, even during the day.  And, for the record, since I have begun using a flashing headlight on my day rides, the number of occurrences of vehicles turning left in front of me is down by about 90%. 

                                                        Where the KTV PRO now resides.

In conclusion, it is indeed a pretty cool, little light for the money.  However, it had some big shoes to fill from my previous home-made riding light.  That light was an LED flashlight from Costco, putting out 200-lumens, running on three (3) AAA batteries.  With a homemade mount, the system was blindingly bright, and lasted for up to two-weeks of riding four-to-five days a week.  That’s pretty impressive (and cheap)!  I would indeed recommend the KTV Pro for those wanting a good “See-Me” light at a good price-point, and are not in the mood to make their own lighting set-up.  It is built like a tank, has incredible weather resistance, a smart mounting system, and it just looks completely innocuous on the bike.  For a lot of people, that last one can be a deal breaker.    

So, why then did I buy a light with a lower output?  Well, I was curious to try out the latest crop of LED’s on the market, and I wanted a clean looking, clean mounting, smaller light than the one I was previously using, and being under $20.00 USD, on sale, I was even more curious.  Besides, I reasoned if I did not like the light on my trusty Trek 2.3 Frankenbike, I could always move the light to my Nishiki steel “Fun bike.” 

Well, the KTV PRO is still on my Trek. 

The Specs:
  • Machined Aluminum body
  • Clip-On System via rubber strap
  • Intelligent Power Indicator light
  • USB Rechargeable
  • Side Visibility (180-degrees)
  • Weather Resistant
  • Max Lumens: 70
  • Recharge Time: 3:15 hours (varies, Ed.)
  • Weight: 55g
  • Available in Silver, Black, Red, or Blue body
  • $25.99 USD

Run Times (times may vary, Ed.):

  • Economy: 30 lumens / 2:00 hrs
  • Blast: 70 lumens / 1:00 hrs
  • Flash 1: 30 lumens / 6:00 hrs
  • Flash 2: 30 lumens / 6:00 hrs
  • Flash 3: 30 lumens / 6:00 hrs
  • Pulse: 30 lumens / 4:00 hrs

Monday, July 13, 2015

In the News: Sky Suspects Froome’s Training Data Has Been Hacked

Photo: The Telegraph U.K.

Oh, Dear God!  Has it really come to this now?  The “Dog ate my homework,” defense?  Seriously, peruse the headline, and you begin to get a sense of why I have been deliberately shying away from bicycle racing news, especially the Tour de France.  The whole rolling farce of professional bicycle racing makes Rome’s circuses look legit.

Whist I am not making any real hay of this (yet), the fact Team Sky put this news out there shows the story indeed has traction and they are trying to “Head it off at the pass,” as we Americans say.  Also, why would anyone go to the trouble of “Hacking” Froome’s performance data (no easy feat), when they can just present any PED evidence against him?  It all seems way too fishy.  The best defense is a good offense, perhaps?

Two things are most likely going to be proven in the near future.  One, Team Sky will be found to have used the drugs of Tomorrow, Today, and no Non-American rider will go through what Lance Armstrong is currently experiencing.

Read the story over at The Telegraph.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

It Has Been Awhile.

Activity on the blog has indeed been slow, as of late, however, it has not been for a lack of will, but rather due to a lack of time.  This, acute, lack of time has, most unfortunately, carried over into my cycling regimen.  A major move, a major home renovation, work, family, and there was just not too much time for riding.

Also, I must confess, I was actually a bit apprehensive for awhile to get on the bike and ride.  I had heard other riders mention this phenomenon to me, and I merely dismissed it as pure hogwash and laziness.  However, I have since found this, specific version of “Cycling Cold Feet” to be very real after having the royal crap scared out of me for the umpteenth time by an unskilled motor vehicle operator.  So, for awhile there, I actually had no desire to get on my bicycle, and that should never be!  Why should I have to fear for my life just for exercising?

One, small, benefit of my time off the bike has been the ability to take in a lot more of the cycling related news and blogs.  And you know what?  From doped up racers, to road diets, to the “We hate Cars, so we hate YOU” crowd, to riders flat-out ignoring the vehicle code, a lot of, and thankfully not all, cyclists are actually a bunch of reckless-fools.  No wonder drivers sneer at us (Secret exposed: Drivers sneer at each others, too), even when we have not done anything to them at all. 

Life out on the road seems to be history repeating itself, as when society thought all motorcyclists were “Hell’s Angels,” or “Hooligan’s” leftover from Hollister, California, circa 1947.  Over time, the actions of a few were heaped upon the masses, and it metastasized.  Well, with cycling, we are at that point, again.  “There’s another one of those Car-Hating, law breaking, Hippies, and they’re dressed like Lance Armstrong, too!”  Well, the fact is, a majority of cyclists are also motor vehicle drivers, and no, we don’t think alike, nor are we all alike, period.  Drivers seem to think all of us cyclists hate them, have no respect them, want them out of their cars, love Road Diets, mass transit, and think God’s gift to cycling were “Coalitions,” the Fixie, flip-flops, and independent coffee houses. 

Most cyclists are out purely for the exercise and freedom cycling provides.  They don’t care what people are driving, have no political axe’s to grind, seek only to stay alive, and would be happy to be left alone, thank you.     

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter From The Staff At Cycling Dynamics.

"He is not here! For He has been resurrected, just as He said."
 Matthew 28:6

Monday, March 2, 2015

S.B. 192, The Mandatory Bicycle Helmet Law: Suddenly Cycling “Advocates” Discover Personal Liberty, And Why Your Local “Bicycle Coalitions” Are Too Little, Too Late.

"Maybe if everyone wore a helmet, I wouldn't look so silly."

Everytime I tell myself to refrain from open politics on this blog, along comes a topic that just screams out for a rebuttal.  And, while my rebuttal to a popular topic at hand may not amount to any kind of world-shattering change, it sure feels good to get it off of my chest.  So, why do I bring this subject up?  Well, in case people were too busy to notice what is going on in the California State Legislature, which is probably 98% of the State’s population, there is a small battle waging, which will eventually escalate into a Public Relations skirmish.  Allow me to explain.

State Senator Carol Liu (D-La Canada Flintridge) has introduced S.B. 192, which would mandate helmet use on every bicyclist in the State of California, regardless of age, (under-18 is already mandatory), plus require reflective clothing while riding at night.  Her argument is as follows: “Any responsible bicycle rider should wear a helmet,” said Liu, Chair of the Senate Education Committee. “This law will help protect more people and make sure all riders benefit from the head protection that a helmet provides.”  And, she is right.  However, as for what constitutes “Responsible” and “Reflective,” and who gets to define both terms, has not yet been explained.  Additionally, the bill completely ignores mention of body protection below the neck. 

So, what part of the bill has “Cycling Advocates” spilling their mineral water’s and lattes?  Is it the mandatory helmet portion of the bill?  No.  Is it the high conspicuity clothing provision of the bill?  No.  What put the nail on the saddle of those opposed to S.B. 192 is the State of California has no business mandating how they should live their lives.  And, you know what? Folks opposed to the bill are 100% correct.  The downside of their argument; that horse left the barn a long time ago.  True, in a free society, this kind of Nanny-State thinking should have been killed at the source, however, in State after State, and in case after case, personal liberty and personal choice has lost out to the “It Takes a Village” cabal, everytime.

Meanwhile, the leading opposition to S.B. 192 is coming from an unlikely source; your friendly, neighborhood Bicycle Collation.  Yes, the same people leading the charge to make our roads “Bicycle Safe” are against an actual bicycle safety measure.  While the hypocrisy is plain for all to see, their opposition, as previously stated, does make some sense, even though it is doomed to miserable failure.  And, I personally understand their opposition to this proposed piece of legislation.   However, the arguments against S.B. 192 are as tired, and ineffective, as they are old.  While the intention, and rationality of those opposed are common sense sound, the overwhelming mountain of case precedent overriding their emotional opposition amounts to a hill of nothing in Sacramento.  The extent of over-reaching restrictions of the free exercise of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness the State of California has heaped upon its citizens to date is massive.  So, while I am happy to see organized opposition to SB192, I have to question the integrity, and timing, of the various “Bicycle Advocates/Coalitions” leading the campaign to see the bill go down in flames. 

Consider the plea for support on the defeat of S.B. 192 from Ryan Price, Administrative Director, California Bicycle Coalition:

“Please join us in asking the Senator to take the next step: scrap the helmet mandate, and instead focus on measures that protect bicyclists and promote bicycling.”

Talk about nonsense.  Basically, what Mr. Price is advocating is that while he, and his coalition(s), are all for the safety of cyclists in the State of California, he (they) only supports policies he (they) personally agree with.  Not too sound of an argument when you are attempting to sway opinion and rally people to your cause.  But wait, there’s more!  Also from Mr. Price:

“There are proven ways to make our streets safer while encouraging bicycling -- reducing speed limits on key streets, building protected bike lanes and bike paths, and educating motorists and bicyclists on how to drive or ride safely, to name a few. A mandatory helmet law is not one of them.”

Talk about a flim-flam!  If this is the argument being set forth as reasons to defeat S.B. 192, then I actually have a few questions for Mr. Price and the various “Coalitions” supposedly speaking for the cyclist in me:

Where were bicycle coalitions when mandatory seat belt laws were put into effect?  Where were bicycle coalitions when child safety seats were being mandated?  Where were bicycle coalitions when mandatory auto insurance laws were out into effect?  Additionally, where were these very same bicycle coalitions when a tax (fee) was introduced to park on (so one could ride on), and visit, Public Lands?  Not aware of the former?  It’s innocuously known as the “Adventure Pass.”  And, for the Piece de RĂ©sistance; where were bicycle coalitions when mandatory motorcycle helmet laws were put into effect for the very same reasons Ms. Liu puts forth as proof of S.B. 192’s validity?  

All of the above examples were the same type of legislative overreach that Senator Liu is attempting, yet where were the “Advocates” then?  Additionally, all of the above examples had legitimate Pro and Con arguments, yet they were rammed through the Legislature, and forced upon all of us “For Our Own Good,” even though many of us can walk, chew gum, and juggle all at the same time.  When mandatory motorcycle helmet laws were being advocated, the exact same reasons for their passage were used just as they are now in the case of S.B. 192.  However, there was one added twist in the case of motorcyclists, and I am sure it will come up when Senator Liu meets more and more opposition: Injured cyclists will be a burden to hospital emergence rooms, and thus, Taxpayers.  It will be espoused that it is not fair that Public Tax Dollars must be used to pay for the medical care of the “Irresponsible” cyclist.  While the jury is still out how Obama Care will address that concern, that argument is as hollow now as it was in 1994 (when mandatory motorcycle helmet use became law in California).  Interestingly, the costs of government waste, welfare recipients and Illegal Aliens are never factored into the equation of the fiduciary use of “Taxpayer Funds.” 

So, what does this all mean, and what can we, the people of California, do about it?  Well, the first thing we should not do is give up pushing back against the Legislative Overreach of Sacramento.  The next thing we NEED to do is all fight together, no matter what our interests and activities are, to better help each other out to remove Intrusive-Government from our lives.  The legislative abuse against your neighbor today will most certainly become the legislative abuse of yourself tomorrow.  And, as that list of Government usurpations continues to grow, we, the people, unfortunately, barely make a sound of discontent, especially if the abuse does not apply to us, personally.  That is, until the long arm of the Legislature reaches out into our own, personal activities, and once localized, then, and only then, is it all-out war for most people.  I just wish all of us citizens were on the same page at the same time.  The real bottom line is this: Either we all fight together against Government Abuse of Power, or we all fall under its sword.  As Mr. Miyagi in the movie Karate Kid summed up so perfectly: “Choose.”

In totality, I agree safety equipment can help in the event of an accident, and that it is up to the individual to select not only the extent of their involvement in a given activity, but also the amount safety apparatus required.  Taken to the furthest extreme (and Sacramento is just about there), is it really irrational to extrapolate that in the future everyone will be required to wear helmets and padded suits just to walk down the street?  Well, the politicians and bureaucrats seeking to dictate every, single component of our lives certainly think so. 

In summation, while I agree with the Spirit of this legislation (personal safety), I must disagree with the Letter of it (forced behavior), as it is a clear suppression of personal liberty and the right of a person to choose their own, best destiny.  However, ignoring inherent rights has never stopped a Politician from passing “Feel Good” legislation, thus, the arguments against S.B. 192 will not persuade Sacramento, either.   

The horse is already in the barn, save for the tail. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Nishiki Sebring – A Resurrection

When the new, plush offices of Cycling Dynamics were finally occupied, the move came with a nice, albeit neglected surprise: A bicycle.  And not just any bicycle, but a steel bike.  A 1983 Nishiki Sebring to be exact.  So, not being one to miss an opportunity, I began to think about getting the bike back on the road.  And, I thought.  And, I thought a little more.  And, before I knew it, three-months had gone by.  See, whist the new building was being remodeled, the Nishiki fell to the bottom of the “To-Do” list, as electrical plumbing, flooring, appliances, cabinetry, and paint were at the forefront of available resources.  Moving truly is an adventure.

So, whilst in the full-grip of DIY bliss, there it sat.  And it sat.  And, finally, its day had come.  And even though it was not my style (the Sebring’s are more of a hybrid frame), it was still an old, lugged-steel frame, therefore, by all laws of Heaven and Earth, it was cool.  It just remained unknown how much of the bike could be saved, and how much had to be trashed.  Turns out, it was not too much of the latter, and joyously, a whole bunch of the former.

The bones of the bike looked good, and though its life of being left outside in a coastal environment had overall negative effects, I was surprised that corrosion on the Chromoly 4130 frame and components was not much, much worse.  One good thing about bikes from that era was they were built tough, and this particular Sebring was no exception.  The Suntour gruppo was still in working order (Hah! Try that on today’s components!), the bar, stem, post, brakes, wheels, and yes, even the chain were all still in good working order, plus the wheels, one steel, one aluminum, were still true and stout.  Even the 52-42 rings and the 14-28 cassette (six-cogs out back) were still in great shape.  Everything just needed some love and a good cleaning.  So, I cleaned up what I could, and then, it was time for surgery. 

Enter Bicycle Discovery of Fountain Valley, California.

Upon arrival in my new part of town, I had done an emergency bike shop tour of all of the bicycle shops in the area to get a bead on things and to sort out who’s who.  Through the grapevine, I kept hearing about one particular shop’s reputation for knowledge, service, and reasonable cost, and it was the fine folks at Bicycle Discovery I kept hearing about.  Turns out, people were right about them.  The staff’s knowledge base of all-things-bike was quite deep, and that includes older bikes of all construct, especially steel.  When presented with my patient, they immediately assessed the bike, ran-down what it needed, what it did not need, and gave me a darn good quote on the overall job.  Particulars agreed upon, I left the bike in capable hands, and two days later it was done and ready for pick up.  For two Ben Franklin’s, the Discovery Crew cleaned up the whole bike, rebuilt the bottom bracket, the hubs, serviced headset bearings, put on new tires, tubes, new shifter cables, brake pads, bar tape, and gave it an overall tune-up.  “Mr. Bustamante, meet Mr. Nishiki.” 

No doubts as to its identity.  Nice lugs, too.
The stock 52-42 crankset and derailleur.  Still going strong.

Stock rear derailleur and 14-28 cassette.

No STI shifters here.

Lugs & Steel. Beautiful!

The icing on the cake: A way-too-cool head badge.

Now that the Sebring has been back in my possession, the best way to describe my time on it to date is thus: I have been riding the shit out of it, and it is one of the smoothest rides I can recall while astride a road bike.  Yeah, the narrow bars, top-mount/drops brake lever combo, flat pedals, big seat, and vastly different geometry from my regular Trek 2.3 made for an interesting initial experience, however, I really like this bike!  Sure the fork has a funky rake to it, and the funny colored frame is the same concept as an early 80’s racing motorcycle (straight path from the head tube to the swing arm, or in this case, the rear wheel), and in the frame triangle, where an engine would hang on a motorcycle, I put a carbon cage for some bling.  I also added front and rear lights, adjusted the Brooks’ styled seat height/fore-aft, and that was all it took to make it mine.  Did I mention it has one of the coolest head badges I have ever seen?  Well, it does.  Hey, it's classic, road steel, so one truly cannot go wrong.  And, the price was right!
Overall, I am extremely pleased with the results of my rebuild.  It is exactly the experience I was seeking in a second road bike – Something I could just get on, no shoes, no kit, and ride for the sake of riding, just like I did when I was a kid. 

Oh, and when you stop in at Bicycle Discovery, and highly I recommend you do, tell Richard or Darryl (my other brother Darryl) I sent you. 

Those two lads know their classic bikes, very well.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Evaluated: 2015 Ritchey WCS Streem II Alloy Aero Bar

Photo courtesy of Ritchey

The quest for comfort on a bicycle does not end at the saddle, chamois, or shoes.  It also includes particulars such as seat posts, stems, and yes, even bars.  I, for one, find that the almost-perfect bar setup is rather elusive, especially for those of us genetically predisposed with larger hands.  For us, there is no substitute for surface area, and that means larger diameter bars.  In plain language: The more bar there is for our paws to grip, the more comfortable the ride over the long-haul.

To date, pretty much all of the wing shaped “Aero” bars on the market have been constructed from carbon fiber.  That is a nice idea, save for those whom do not like the hidden specter of cracks and possible delaminations of the material under the bar wrap (I am a proud member of that group).  Construction of an alloy wing shaped bar has been a bit trickier than its composite brother, and the minds at Ritchey have met the challenge, and produced, I believe, a winner with the WCS Streem II aero bar.   I mounted up the test subject with my now favorite red, Fizik Microtex tape, a PRO Vibe 7S 120mm stem, and took off.  That was four-months ago. 

                                                    The anatomical bend of the 128mm drops.
So, what did I discover?  Well, my goal was to ride with the bars for an extended period of time before pronouncing judgment on them.  While many evaluators give their opinions upon a single, seat-of-the-pants, ride, I don’t do that.  The only way to truly get real-word feedback of a product is to live with it for awhile under real-world conditions.  Thus, after the months I have used the WCS Streem II’s, I have to honestly give the bars two, big “Thumbs-Up.”  The Streem's have brought me the closest to perfection I have come yet in my quest for an all-around-bar.  The flat portion of the tops is an excellent perch for my hands, with the 4.5-degree sweep back oddly adding to said comfort, and there is just enough hint of flex while in the drops to keep the hands from going numb over the garbage which masquerades as road surface’s in Southern California.  The only thing I did not like much was the shallow, 128mm drop.  About 10mm more drop, and these would be my go-to bars for life.  However, remembering not to be too nit-picky, the tops and transitions to the hoods gave me all-day comfort, and that was the real purpose of my evaluation.   

                          Real-World testing. There is no substitute. Note "Aero" section and sweep.

In summation, the challenge riders’ face is the discovery of that setup which leads them to the cyclist’s nirvana, aka, the “Sweet Spot.”  Finding the correct components are a large part of that quest.  Truth be told, I really liked these bars, however, I cannot fathom why Tom Ritchey believes we all have tiny hands necessitating the extremely narrow diameter of most of the Ritchey catalog bar offerings.  The PRO Vibe 7S bars I previously tested had a constant 31.8 diameter along the tops, with a deeper drop than the Streem II’s.  And, while I really loved the PRO’s, I was looking for the comfort of a flat-topped, wider, aero bar, and the Streem II’s provided that. 

In my perfect world, I would have a bar with the drops of the PRO Vibe 7S, with the tops of the Ritchey Streem II.  Oh well, one can dream.  Or, maybe even try a set of 35mm bars.  Hmm…

The Specs:
  • UCI approved 38 x 22.5mm wing section for improved aerodynamics and a great feel for climbing.
  • Short reach, shallow drop with anatomical bend
  • Triple butted 7050 alloy
  • 40, 42 and 44cm widths
  • Drop/Reach: 128/78mm
  • Stem diameter: 31.8mm
  • 4.7 degree sweep, 1 degree flare
  • Finish: Matte Black
  • 275g (42cm bar)
  • Retail: $99.00 USD

Friday, January 16, 2015

"Red Is The New Black." Trek Factory Racing Unveils 2015 Team Bikes.

2015 Emonda Team Bike. The Madone and Domane will also be used.

It seems the peeps over at Trek Factory Racing finally got my memo: Red is nothing to be afraid of.  Use it pretty much everywhere and be proud.  I do.

And, preliminary information indicates the same paint color, Viper Red, will be available as part of Trek's marvelous Project One Program.

It is nice to see some color in the Pro Peleton this year, and thankfully, Trek is getting away from the all-black kits, too.

All photos courtesy of Trek Factory Racing.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

No, This Is Not A Joke. The Essax "Shark" Saddle Makers Claim The Shape Is Revolutionary.

 The Essax Shark saddle. Brilliant, evolutionary design, or just another sex toy? Photo by Cycling Weekly.

Yes, I admit things have been a bit quiet around the Cycling Dynamics office, but a major move has a way of taxing one's time and focus.  However, with commentaries, and new products tests in the pipeline, scanning the horizon for new, and interesting things still remains job one.  Thus, I bring you the Essax Shark saddle.

According to the Spanish firms press release, "...Essax Shark designer, Jon Iriberri, claims the fin should distribute weight evenly between the rider’s sit bones by achieving better alignment of the knees, preventing rocking and rotation when pedaling, therefore increasing the efficiency of the pedal stroke and preventing injury."

While jokes about the saddle have been pretty darn funny, those whom have actually tried it said it was not too bad - Just different.  No argument, there.

Read the whole article over at Cycling Weekly.